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A few weeks ago my friend Stacey, who was our second Legacy Leaver to write for Anchor and Heart, (go check out her story if you yet haven’t!) tagged me in this picture by Drawing Devotionally.


It was really timely as God had just recently spoken to my heart and said:


“How are you going to

finish this year?

Are you going to finish well?!”


His questions hit me pretty hard and it made me really start to think.


Being now October, it can be so easy to not run with the same passion, determination or with the same zeal as in the beginning of the year.


You know the feeling: the clock strikes 12; fire works go off; we enter a new year and we are ready + determined to achieve all of our new years resolutions and goals but between then, and now, we have often become tired, maybe sluggish and even totally worn out. 

October 2015 

It is in this time that the dreams in our heart can seem the most hard, the most impossible, the most unachievable and the most unattainable.  

Yet we can fail to realise that when it gets the hardest, it often means that the finish line (and our breakthrough) is just right up ahead and CLOSER THAN WE THINK. We just need to keep pressing in and on to reach the line.


In our own strength we can’t, but in His we can. God is just the coolest as He has given us a promise that when we feel like we can’t keep going any longer He is the One who will help us to the end:


In 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 


You may feel like you can’t keep going but there is grace available to help you achieve all that you need to! In Him, we have all we need to win and finish well!


So what do you still want to achieve this year!?

Are you committed to the race you started or have you let discouragement set in? If you have; it’s ok! We all have been there at some point, but NOW is the time to make the choice to finish well!


I encourage you to take some time and make a list of those things you still want to accomplish this year and put a deadline on them.

Ask God for His help and then, in His strength, go and achieve all you have in your heart to do! Don’t buy the lie that it’s too late or that you won’t make it. You can, and you will make it, if you choose to NOT QUIT and rely on God's strength to help you through.  


Also, your very breakthrough (if you let it) will not only be an encouragement to you in the years to come but also to all those who hear and see. There are just so many people crying out for help in this world and as you are obedient to finish what you started, and let your testimony shine, the reward for you and so many others will be so great!!


Can you see it?  


Your finish line is in sight. Your breakthrough is just around the corner so DO NOT GIVE UP!  No matter what 2015 has brought you so far; let these last 2 remaining months be the VERY BEST MONTHS of your year and even your life so far!!


You can, and you will finish well!

We are in this together.


Go team go! 





Anchor & Heart 

Copyright Drawing Devotionally 

Hebrews 12:1


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”



Matthew 19:26


Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible."


Challenge! Take a picture of a goal/dream you still have for the year and on social media tag @Anchorandheart__ + #IChoosetoFinishWell! 

Together we can, and we will finish well! 

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