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Today it is raining and the skies are grey. My plan was to go wakeboarding with some new friends but the weather has decided to put a damper on what had been decided. Though, I would have loved to (try!) and carve up some waves today, I instead find myself snuggled in my bed, writing, while the rain falls and the birds chirp. It’s a little different than what I first thought today would look like but as I sit here now, all rugged up, I find myself being thankful for the way it’s turned out.


Oh life. Isn’t this how sometimes things end up working out?


You plan to do A, but then you find yourself at B?


For me personally, growing up, one of my biggest desires has always been to go overseas and share God’s love with people abroad. For the longest time all I have wanted to do is pack up my things, go on some grand adventure and have God use me in different countries around the world. I have continually prayed, planned many trips but each time, (so far) for some reason, it has never happened (yet!). It’s never been for the lack of planning or trying but the door has just never totally opened or the situation been quite right.


I have cried, sobbed and been so desperate to go and take on the world overseas but the A plan in my mind has always seemed to turn into my B plan. Nearly every one of my close friends have at least gone overseas once, if not many times, either on a missions trip, a fun holiday or to work + travel and each time it doesn’t get easier to see them go, but I have found that know matter what plans of mine don’t work out I still have the opportunity to have a thankful heart.


Feelings can change and can go but a thankful heart is a choice despite what is happening around us.


To be honest, I don’t totally understand why this waiting period to venture out beyond the Australian shores has taking so long but what I do know is that if I am still here in Aus, then God has a purpose in it. I trust Him in that if I was meant to be currently overseas, like some of my friends, then He would have made a way for me to go, but for now I am in the right place, at the right time, and for that I am truly thankful.


Not only have I come to realise that God’s timing is perfect but also that my A plan isn’t always God’s A plan.

I see now that I would have missed out on so much here, if I had gone ‘over there’. The dearest friendships, amazing opportunities and even the growth that has happened in my life would have all been missed if I did not lay down my own desire & timing, and trust God’s A plan for my life. I am now so thankful that some things have not work out the way I planned as God has not only greatly blessed in His plan but also protected me from some things that would not have been the best for my life.


He is pretty good like that!


A thankful heart isn’t just about being thankful when things work out as we hoped but also for what we already have been given. And some, to be honest, can be often taken for granted:

Today this is my list: I am thankful for ….              

















The list is endless if I take the time to really think about it.

And you would have a list too…


 In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we are encouraged to be thankful no matter the situation


"in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."


In all situations be thankful. That can seem hard to do at times, but the more we thank Him now, the more we will appreciate what we have, what’s around us, those currently placed in our lives and our outlook on life will change. As quoted by Willie Nelson:


"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” –


Today I pray you are encouraged that no matter where you find yourself, you too, can be thankful. Your situation right now may seem grim and not very hopeful but as you stay in faith, trust God and thank Him for the things that you currently do have, your perspective will change and you will begin to see this moment as not something to get ‘just through’ but rather an opportunity to learn, grow, and truly enjoy! When in your mind your A plan turns into your B plan… it’s ok! Thankfully God has his own A plan for you and it truly far exceeds all you could dream, hope for or even imagine (See Ephesians 3:20)! Trust Him that if something has NOT worked out, he will make something work out for your benefit and in the end you will be Oh so thankful!


From one thankful Heart to another,

Mads xx 

 The breath in my lungs

The job that I currently have

My dear friends and family

Jesus loving me

The food I get to eat daily (that so many others don’t)

The clean water I drink

The house I live in

The shoes on my feet

The clothes on my back

The Health that I have

Even the things that haven’t worked out my way (because God has had better!)

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